
The reason and treatment for edema occur in Chronic Kidney Disease

The reason and treatment for edema occur in Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease patients often suffer from edema which can lead to difficult to move, terrible-looking and other problems. Today we will have a clear introduction about the reason and treatment for the Chronic Kidney Disease patients with edema. Only when we know the causes, we can cure the disease from root.

1. Heavy loss of protein in the urine

In this situation, the patients have normal or fairly normal kidney function. The heavy loss of protein in the urine (over 3.0 grams per day) with its accompanying edema is termed the nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome results in a reduction in the concentration of albumin in the blood (hypoalbuminemia). Since albumin helps to maintain blood volume in the blood vessels, a reduction of fluid in the blood vessels occurs. The kidneys then register that there is depletion of blood volume and, therefore, attempt to retain salt. Consequently, fluid moves into the interstitial spaces, thereby causing pitting edema.

2. injured kidney function

In this situation, patients who have kidney diseases that impair renal function develop edema because of a limitation in the kidneys' ability to excrete sodium into the urine. Thus, patients with kidney failure from whatever cause will develop edema if their intake of sodium exceeds the ability of their kidneys to excrete the sodium. The more advanced the kidney failure, the greater the problem of salt retention is likely to become.

The treatment of fluid retention in these patients is to reduce the loss of protein into the urine and to restrict salt in the diet. The loss of protein in the urine may be reduced by the use of ACE inhibitors andangiotensin receptor blockers (ARB's). Both categories of drugs, which ordinarily are used to lower blood pressure, prompt the blood circulation.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best choice for repaired the injured kidney. It has the functions of expending blood vessel, anti-inflammatory, anti-freezing and degrading extracellular matrix. With the blood flow speed normal and the blood being fresh and healthy, the damage to the kidney will be stopped. And the active substances in medicine also can repair the injured cells, supporting nutrition for kidney. When the kidney are repaired, the edema will disappear finally.

CKD patients with edema can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com for more information.



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