
Kidney Dialysis and Quality of Life

Understanding the trajectory of illness for patients with life-limiting disease, such as advanced kidney disease, is a crucial component to the treatment decision-making process. The kidneys are paired organs that filter out wastes from the blood, thereby maintaining the fluid and electrolyte balance, and regulating the composition of the blood.

When you are first diagnosed with kidney failure (eGFR of 15 ml/min or below), many emotions may arise: anger, shock, panic, despair, and a feeling of complete hopelessness. You try to hold your composure and recount the past days, weeks, and months that lead up to this event to see if there were any signs or past actions that may have caused this.Although patients with advanced kidney disease typically follow a disease trajectory similar to chronic organ failure such as lung disease and heart failure, the kidney disease trajectory pattern is variable and often impacted by whether or not dialysis is chosen.

This is when disbelief really sets in. The only form of treatment that your doctor provides you is either kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation. Both of which are highly invasive and complicated.

Kidney failure life expectancy, like anything depends on many variables, some of which you can control, and others that you cannot control: age, gender, genes, race, diet, lifestyle choices, what caused your condition (etiology), the type of treatment you choose, etc.

Kidney Dialysis and Quality of Life

The decision to opt for dialysis is a hard one. Dialysis can be a physically-taxing procedure, which is why, all aspects must be considered while opting for this treatment. People who opt for hemodialysis, will need dialysis sessions three times a week, with each session lasting for about four hours. Patients might feel exhausted with the routine of undergoing dialysis at dialysis centers. There are other aspects that need to be considered. For instance, the amount of fluid intake has to be restricted. Certain dietary restrictions also need to be followed. Though there are fewer restrictions on the fluid intake and diet in case of peritoneal dialysis, it has to be performed daily.




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