
pkd food avoid

Alkaline Plant Based Whole Foods Diet with an abundance of locally grown ripe in season produce geared toward kidney and liver health.Include essential fatty acids and essential amino acids.Keep Your Electrolytes Balanced.For most people, this translates to "cut back on salt."Most people eating a typical "Western" diet get too much salt, which can throw this delicate balance off.In fact, in the Encyclopedia of Health published by the US National Library of Medicine, the entry on PDK specifically recommends a low-salt diet.To start reducing salt in your diet, use garlic powder, onion powder or other herbs and spices in place of salt.Use Himalayan salt, prepare food yourself from fresh ingredients adding no salt to your cooking.If you must add salt keep it to one-eighth teaspoon per day of Himalayan Pink salt.
PKD DIET These foods are suggestions to try that have been gathered from among our collective experiences - anecdotal knowledge.Egg whites are obviously an animal product so not the best if you are on a strict vegan diet.Feel free to add in some veggies, just be sure to cook them all first to make sure you kill any lingering foreign bacteria.Egg White Omelet with Asparagus and Goat Cheese – Healthy for anyone.Tons of variation available as you can stuff these bad boys with anything you want on the approved list.Throw in a little low-sodium chicken broth to bind the stuffing and bake at 400 degrees until done.Stuffed Jalapeno Poppers - A hit at many a superbowl party… and such an easy snack to make.Quinoa is a legendary grain that has all of the essential amino acids… great if you're trying to avoid meat and still need some protein.Pan fry some veggies while the Quinoa is cooking and be sure to add some spices for flavor.Quinoa Stif Fry – Being in the heart of Quinoa country (Bolivia and Peru) makes this an easy option.

Coffee, tea, colas and other caffeine-containing foods and beverages are poor choices if you have polycystic kidney disease.Caffeine is a risk factor for enlarged cysts, says Franck A. Belibi, lead author for a study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.That's because dehydration can provokes kidney cyst development.



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