
pkd and hematuria

Hematuria is refers to the abnormal red blood cells in urine excretion increased, be a sign of urinary system may have severe disease. Centrifugal precipitate urine each high power field of vision acuity three red blood cells, or centrifugal urine more than 1 or 1 hour urine red blood cell count more than 100000, or 12 hour urine sediment count more than 500000, are shown in red blood cells in urine, in is called the blood in the urine. Light person only found microscopically erythrocytosis, called microscopic haematuria. The person that weigh appearance with meat wash water samples or contain blood clots, known as the naked eye hematuria. Usually a litre have 1 ml of blood in the urine is visible to the naked eye, when the urinary red or with meat wash water samples.
More than normal amount of blood in the urine is called hematuria. If there is 1 ml smoke in 1000 ml of urine, look to the naked eye with flesh blood or wash water samples of urine, this is known as the naked eye hematuria. In urine routine inspection, such as red blood cells under the microscope a high field of vision more than 5, or 12 hour urine Ed RBC count more than 1 million, and the naked eye cannot perceive is called microscopic hematuria.
Found after the red urine, parents don't panic, first is to distinguish true blood in the urine or pseudo hematuria. Some drugs can cause red urine, such as amidopyrine yellow sodium, rifampicin, benzene, phenol red, etc. With the true blood in the urine. There were many causes of blood in the urine, generally include the following;
1, urinary system diseases such as various kinds of nephritis (genetic nephritis, acute glomerulonephritis, viral nephritis, purpura nephritis), stone (), kidney, bladder, urethra, heart and renal tuberculosis, all kinds of congenital malformation, trauma, tumor, etc.
2, systemic symptoms such as hemorrhagic disease, leukemia, heart failure, sepsis, lack of vitamin C and K, hypercalciuria disease, disease of the newborn, etc.
3, physical and chemical factors such as food allergies, and after radiation exposure, medicines and poisons, sports, etc. In order to define the etiology, determine the blood in the urine of parts is very important, three cups of urine test can understand the source of hematuria, method is very simple.

Take 3 cup, in a pee, take the front first cup of urine, second cup midway through the urine, the third cup after a period of urine. As the first cup of for hematuria said blood from urethra; The third cup of blood in the urine for failed hematuria, pathological changes after the bladder or urethra; First cup of cup, second, third cup in color in the whole blood in the urine, tip lesions in the kidney or urinary tract in bladder above. To clear blood in the urine is caused by what kind of disease, or according to the symptoms and signs, all kinds of experiences, X-ray and CT examination, even checks to diagnose renal biopsies puncture.



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