
DIET on Dialysis

For many people, dialysis becomes necessary only after months, oryears, of slowly worsening kidney function.However with initiation of dialysis there has to be a drastic change in the form of diet as the requirements for someone on dialysis differ from those not on dialysis.Protein and calorie intake has to be increased to keep body weight steady, while restricting sodium, potassium, phosphorous and liquid intake.Remember even the best of dialysis cannot function exactly like our natural kidneys.
PROTEIN is the cornerstone of the dietary plan, and most of it should come from foods with an abundance proteins, such as dals, pulses, legumes, soy and dairy products, eggs and meat (Fish/Chicken). A dialysis patient needs 20 to 30 % more protein in their diet than that recommended for a normal healthy person.POTASSIUM, SODIUM need to be restricted as for any other patient with kidney disease.Salt restriction does not mean food has to be bland and tasteless.PHOSPHOROUS is an important element for good bone production, and most people can handle any excess; their bodies simply eliminate it.But that's not true for the dialysis patient, so high phosphorous foods have to be avoided.Itchy skin is an early sign of phosphorous building up in the blood stream.Forbidden foods include dried beans and lentils,salmon and sardines, chocolate and aerated drinks (Colas).

Note:these are general guidelines.Specific menus or food choices should be made on the recommendation of your renal-nutritionist or nephrologist.



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