What your urine is telling you about your health?A trip to the toilet may be
more revealing than you think.Normal urine is pale yellow or straw-yellow in
color.If your urine is as colorless as water, well, that's probably because
you've been drinking a lot of water.And besides the inconvenience of going to
the bathroom many times a day because your bladder is filling up with fluid
faster.And urine may have a variety of other colors, however, including dark
yellow, orange, pink, red, green, blue, brown and even black.If your urine has a
brownish, iced tea-colored tinge, that could be a sign that you are dehydrated
and the kidney is producing more concentrated (as opposed to diluted) urine.
Colorless Urine.Large amounts of colorless urine may be a symptom of diabetes
insipidus, which is not the same condition as diabetes mellitus.In diabetes
mellitus (which is commonly broken down into Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes
and gestational diabetes) a person doesn't make enough insulin, or their cells
don't respond to insulin properly.
Bright yellow Urine.Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, is yellow in
color.Bright yellow Urine that looks nearly neon-colored may seem somewhat
alarming, but the cause is most likely nothing more sinister than your daily
multivitamin pill.If we eat more riboflavin than we need – which sometime
happens when we take Vitamin B2 supplements – the excess riboflavin enters the
urine and gives it a fluorescent yellow or neon yellow appearance.
Porphyria and Urine Color.A spot of blood Seeing a splash of red in the
toilet can mean many things—some quite benign, others quite serious.Porphyria is
caused by a genetic problem.The illness develops when someone lacks a specific
enzyme or enzymes involved in the production of heme, the red, iron-containing
part of the hemoglobin molecule.In people with porphyria one or more of the
enzymes involved in heme production are missing.The precursors may build up in
the body and reach a toxic level.There are at least eight types of
porphyria.Some types affect the skin, causing blisters, swelling and itching
when the skin is exposed to sunlight.Other forms affect the internal organs,
nervous system and brain, causing symptoms such as pain, cramping, vomiting,
numbness, paralysis, personality changes and mental disorders.Sometimes the
disorder is inactive, and only becomes active when a person is exposed to a
stress of some kind.