
Hot Ginger Compress for pkd

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder characterised by the growth of numerous cysts, predominantly in the kidneys, but also occurring in other organs such as the liver and pancreas. The cysts can slowly replace the mass of the kidneys, reducing function and at times leading to kidney failure.Symptoms can include blood in the urine and pain in the side (either one or both) caused by the kidney being enlarged an infected cyst, cystic haemorrhage or kidney stone. There may also be excessive urination at night, bouts of abdominal tenderness, high blood pressure, joint pain, drowsiness and nail abnormalities.

Native to southern Asia, ginger is a 2- to 4-foot-long perennial that produces grass-like leaves up to a foot long and almost an inch wide.Although it is called ginger root in the grocery store, the part of the herb used is actually the rhizome, the underground stem of the plant, with its bark-like outer covering scraped off.Ginger has been used as food and medicine for millennia.Arabian traders carried ginger root from China and India to be used as a food spice in ancient Greece and Rome, and tax records from the second century AD show that ginger was a delightful source of revenue to the Roman treasury.

The essential experience of ginger compresses exposed the unique qualities of heat, stimulation, anti-inflammation and analgesia.Seven interpretive themes of the experience of a series of ginger kidney compresses were identified.This may be one of the best ways to stimulate circulation at certain stagnated or tens locations.Indications-Specific Situations in which We can Use Ginger Compress:

Many types of acute or chronic pains can be relieved by ginger compresses, such as rheumatism, arthritis, backaches, cramps (intestinal cramps, menstrual cramps, etc.), kidney stone attacks, toothaches, stiff neck, and similar problems.If the pain worsens during the treatment, you should discontinue the compresses.

Ginger compresses can speed up the improvement from a variety of inflammatory conditions: for instance bronchitis, acute or chronic liver inflammation, kidney inflammation, prostate infection, bladder inflammation, intestinal inflammations (but never in the case of appendicitis), boils and abscesses.

To relieve congestive conditions such as asthma.In case of an asthma attack the compresses can be continued for a long period, even for hours.
Ginger compresses can be extremely useful to dissolve hardened accumulations of fats, proteins or minerals.Examples of these are kidney stones, gallbladder stones, cysts (breast cysts, ovarian cysts) and benign tumors such as uterine fibroids.
To dissolve muscle tensions.When tissues have been damaged, ginger compresses can speed up the regeneration of the damaged area.We noticed for instance tremendous benefits of ginger compress in the after-treatment of broken bones.

Ginger compresses are apparently specific (they help warm and drain the body).Use grated ginger in a muslin bag.Drop it into a small amount of boiling water and simmer slowly for ½ an hour.Wring out the bag, cool slightly then place around the back covering the kidneys and applying pressure with the hands. Hold in place until the temperature has dropped then place back in the water and once hot, reapply to the kidney area.Warmed sesame oil applied to the kidney area is an old Ayurvedic remedy used break up cysts and help expel them from the body.



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