The cortical cyst refers to a very common type of kidney.Because it is
located at the renal cortex, it is called the cortical cyst.Understanding the
causes and symptoms of the cortical cyst can help you when it comes to
treatment.Here are the basics of what you need to know if you are diagnosed with
a cortical cyst.
Symptoms of a renal cortical cyst include pain in your back and abdomen and
along your side between your ribs and hip; frequent urination; bloody or dark
urine; and fevers.If you experiencing any of these symptoms, speak to your
physician, who can examine you and order tests that can detect renal cysts.Your
physician will use an ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) to scan your kidneys and look for cysts.
Fortunately, there are many ways to treat these cysts.Some might be effective
on their own, while others might need to be combined with other treatments in
order to obtain the best outcome.
Medical Treatments
If you have a small kidney cysts that isn't causing you any problems, your
physician will generally leave it alone, though she may follow up with
additional scans in six to 12 months.But if you experience symptoms of a renal
cortical cyst, your physician will probably send you to a urologist, who
specializes in diagnosing and treating kidney problems.If your urologist
suspects PKD, schedule biannual scans to check for the presence of cysts in your
kidneys.A physician can drain and permanently harden small renal cortical cysts
by inserting a needle directly into them.The process removes fluid and replaces
it with alcohol, which causes the tissue that makes up the cyst to harden.
Larger cysts may require surgical removal.Most surgeons prefer laparoscopic
surgery, which involves smaller incisions, a shorter hospital stay and a faster
recovery.During the surgery, your surgeon will drain the cyst of fluid and then
remove or burn away its outer layer of tissue.
Natural Remedies
Changing the way you eat can make a big difference in how long the cysts stay
and whether they come back.You should avoid spicy and fatty foods, foods that
are stimulants (like coffee or sodas) and processed foods.Smoking and drinking
can also increase problems with the kidneys, so it pays to stop both activities
altogether.Since the cyst can affect your blood pressure, avoid making it worse
by cutting out most sodium from your diet.Following a low-sodium diet can
relieve the pressure on your kidneys and help treat the cyst.