The kidneys are the most important excretory organs within the human
body.Metabolism produces a large variety of substances in addition to
energy.Normally, the kidneys are a pair − situated at the back of the abdomen,
below the diaphragm, one on each side of the spinal column.Each kidney is held
in place by connective tissue and is surrounded by a thick layer of adipose
tissue, called perennial fat, which helps to protect it.The main function of the
kidneys is to filter impurities from the blood.When the kidneys fail, fluid and
wastes can accumulate in the body and endanger our health.
Ayurveda has several medicines which can act on cysts and reduce both the
number and size of cysts.Ayurvedic medicines work effectively for polycystic
ovaries, polycystic kidneys, as well as within the liver.The proper use of such
medicines therefore helps in conception in women having polycystic ovaries.More
importantly, the timely use of such medicines helps prevent damage to the tissue
in the kidneys and liver.
Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure can be continued along with modern
drugs or even while on dialysis as it is not having any side effects.There are
some Ayurvedic herbs offer good alternative to dialysis if used under the
recommendations of an experienced ayurvedic practitioner.When the creatinine
level is below 3, then Mutrakrichantak churna alone is sufficient and when it is
higher than 3 then it should be used along with Rencure formula, varunadi Vati,
Punarnava mandur.
Ayurveda Treatment for CRF Prevention is always the goal with kidney
failure.Specific treatments are dependent upon the underlying diseases. Once
kidney failure is present, the goal is to prevent further deterioration of renal
function.The herbal/ Ayurveda products can be taken along with other types of
medicines & treatments /procedures including dialysis. A lot of herbal
treatments are available for renal failure.