
Cause of Renal Cysts need to Pay Attention to What the Daily Diet

Cause of Renal Cysts need to Pay Attention to What the Daily Diet
Renal cysts is how it goes? Renal cysts can occur in patients with gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria, its cyclical episodes of illness. At the time of onset, the patient will often aggravate back pain, strenuous exercise or if there trauma, infection, and this will induce renal cysts or worse.

Cause of renal cysts in the end are what it? 

One, by the adverse effects of congenital developmental. Experts said that the presence of renal cysts occur certain congenital. The factors that cause the disease, very easily lead to other diseases, and therefore requires a high degree of attention.

Second, the impact of poor diet is one of the causes of renal cysts. Poor eating habits will bring many diseases, should arouse widespread attention. If you are chronically malnourished or blood circulation disorders occurred, this time can easily lead to the disease.

Third, the damage of various infectious diseases. Life, if suffering from urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, if not treated in time, it will cause abnormal internal environment of the body, thereby increasing the risk of renal cysts.
Fourth, in the cause of renal cysts, the gene mutation is a common one of the reasons. This is generally the period during embryogenesis, gene mutation causing the disease occur.

How should health care routine renal cysts?

1, mostly congenital liver cyst, there are single, and can also be multiple, and sometimes liver, kidney cysts exist, the general said kidney cyst is not much impact on human health.

2, oversized liver and kidney cysts. On the organ itself or its organs can be formed around the compression symptoms or inflammation, available needle aspiration or surgical decompression therapy, use of antimicrobial drugs inflammation.

3, do not form oppression liver, kidney cysts can not be treated, and no effective treatment.

4, palm diagnosis of liver, kidney cyst is very reliable, usually having to do more checks.

5, can work and live, large liver, kidney cysts, should be taken to avoid local trauma.

6, liver, kidney cysts usually develops slowly, not cancer, the prognosis is good.

Dietary considerations renal cysts 

Kidney experts advise patients to try in the pathogenesis of early treatment. Renal cysts in people's lives is not strange that many patients had renal cysts do not pay attention to control himself in the diet, then the patient how dietary health? Experts said: renal cysts diet of protein, calories, water, salt controls the most critical.

First, the water intake: When simple renal cysts, due to kidney function decline was concentrated, metabolites need more water to discharge from the kidneys. Therefore, cysts, without significant edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly water restrictions.

Second, the protein controls: Modern medicine, protein intake is too low or too much, the kidneys are no benefits. Especially after the high intake of protein, can produce excessive metabolites, such as uremic toxins mentioned above urea, creatinine, guanidine, and some of the polyamine molecules are essentially nitrogen (protein) metabolism product. Control protein (renal failure when low-protein diet) to reduce the burden on the kidney in patients with renal cysts and reduce the generation of uremic toxins, relieve illness play an important role.

Third, the salt intake: control of salt, according to the disease and the degree of renal function in patients with renal cysts make adjustments, and make all the patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strictly limit salt.

Fourth, Paul levy adequate intake of calories: eating calories (energy). Direct impact on muscle protein synthesis, normal and uremic patients was like that. Therefore, the need to ensure adequate daily intake of calories, low protein diet is long-standing premise of guaranteed profits.




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