
What is Obvious Early Symptoms of Kidney Cyst

Development of the disease feelings like male and female friends to begin your obedience, long time, feeling faint, people will cool. Development of the disease is a gradual process, many of the patients initially did not find the presence of renal cysts, distress and harm caused by subsequent treatment. Accordingly, early treatment of the disease is the key. So, there is no obvious early symptoms of kidney cysts?

What is obvious early symptoms of kidney cysts? Experts pointed out that some patients with asymptomatic renal cyst, the cyst itself because some patients
And intracapsular pressure increased and the infection will occur, renal cysts early symptoms are as follows:


Early renal cysts in patients with proteinuria generally not more days, protein in the urine within a day will not exceed 2g.


Renal cysts will oppress the kidneys, the formation of renal ischemia, so that an increase in renin secretion, causing high blood pressure. Renal cysts in patients with renal dysfunction, the incidence of hypertension over 50%.

Waist and abdominal pain

The reason patients with back pain is due to kidney enlargement and expansion, increasing the renal capsule, renal pedicle by pulling or to adjacent organs caused by squeezing. Meanwhile, patients with renal cysts cause kidney moisture increases, kidneys become heavy and fall back pain caused by traction. If kidney stones, then there will be renal colic.




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