
List of Foods to Eat to Help Lower Creatinine Levels

List of Foods to Eat to Help Lower Creatinine Levels
List of foods to eat to help lower creatinine levels. Creatine is an organic acid found naturally within the body and used to supply your muscles with energy.

Creatine phosphate is a component of the skeletal muscles which is broken down to supply energy to the body cells, and creatinine is formed. Creatinine is a waste product that is formed in the body during the process of energy production in the muscles. Under normal circumstances, your kidneys should be able to filter and pass this substance out of your body. Certain health problems can hinder this function, however, allowing harmful amounts of creatinine to build up. In addition to altering your diet, drinking large amounts of water throughout the day will also help you lower your creatine levels.

1 Limit your sodium intake. Excessive sodium can cause an unhealthy amount of fluid retention and may result in high blood pressure. Both of these issues could result in high creatinine levels.

Maintain a low-sodium diet. Stay away from salty foods and drinks, and opt for low-sodium versions of common food products (canned soup, bottled sauces, etc.) when available.

Your daily average range of sodium intake should be between 2 to 3 grams per day, if not lower.

2 Keep an eye on your protein intake.[2] Avoid foods that are rich in protein as much as possible. Red meat and dairy products can be especially bad for you.

Dietary sources of creatine are most commonly obtained through animal products. While these amounts are not usually harmful, they can pose a problem for someone already dealing with abnormally high creatinine.

Note that you do need protein in your diet to maintain adequate amounts of energy and keep your bodily functions running smoothly, so you should not cut it out completely.

When you do consume protein, try to obtain it from plant-based sources, like nuts and other legumes.

3 Avoid phosphorus-rich foods. Your kidneys may have a hard time processing phosphorus-rich foods, particularly if you have high creatinine levels.[3] Because of this, you should try to avoid foods like:

Pumpkin and squash, cheese, fish, shellfish, nuts, pork, low fat dairy products, and soybeans.

4 Limit the amount of potassium you consume. When dealing with kidney issues, try to avoid eating foods with a high amount of potassium because that potassium can accumulate in the body if your kidneys cannot process it correctly.[4] Foods that are rich in potassium include:

Dried fruits, bananas, spinach, potatoes, beans, and peas.

5 Stay away from creatine supplements. Since creatinine is a waste product of creatine, taking creatine supplements will result in a greater build-up of creatinine in your blood.

For the average person, this is not much of an issue. If you are an athlete or bodybuilder taking nutritional supplements to improve your performance, though, creatine might be included in these supplements and should be cut out. Contact us kidneyfight@hotmail.com



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