
Kidney Failure

When kidney disease patients got into a serious stage and their GFR is lowered into less than 30, we say that the patients is attacked by kidney failure. Kidney failure sometimes is called established renal failure (ERF) or end-stage kidney disease. There are some symptoms which can show whether the patients are stepped into kidney failure period, and there are some tips for kidney disease patients.
Kidney failure symptoms
Swelling in the face, feet or hands
Shortness of breath (from fluid in the lungs)
A metallic taste in the mouth or ammonia breath
Protein aversion (no longer wanting to eat meat)
Nausea and vomiting
Difficulty concentrating
Loss of appetite
Itchiness (pruritis)
Making more or less urine than usual
Blood in the urine (typically only seen through a microscope)
Urine that is foamy or bubbly ( protein urine)
Mental confusion
Feeling cold all the time
Desire to chew ice, clay or laundry starch (called pica)
Take action when you have kidney failure symptoms
If you suffer from any of the ones mentioned above, you should see a doctor to determine whether you are attacked by kidney failure. Usually the dactors will diagnose according to the two tests
Urine test – An examination of a sample of your urine to check for protein, blood and white blood cells in the urine
Blood tests –a test for creatinine and BUN, waste products that healthy kidneys remove from the bloodstream.
If you are really attacked by kidney failure, a timely treatment is necessary. In addition, kidney failure patients also should pay attention to their dialy life, especially for the diet. When you want to do somthing or eat something, you had better consult your doctor at first.

If you want to know more about kidney failure treatment or life rule, you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com.



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