
Preventing kidney stones: It may be as simple as changing your diet

Kidney stones are extremely common -- about 13 percent of men and 7 percent of women in the United States will get one in their lifetime -- and occur when tiny crystals in the urine (calcium, phosphorus and other minerals or salts) come together to form a hard deposit. Studies have shown that 35 to 50 percent of people who get them will get them again within five years without treatment.

Here are a few helpful tips for preventing kidney stones with everyday foods and dietary interventions:

Drink plenty of clean water

This point simply cannot be overstated, as pure, fluoride-free water truly is the master cleanser when it comes to maintaining clean kidneys that are free of stones and other toxic buildup. Drinking at least four liters of water every day will not only help prevent kidney stones from forming, but also quickly eliminate any small stones that may have already formed. Some health practitioners also recommend drinking distilled water to prevent and flush kidney stones.

Add fresh lemon, lime and apple cider vinegar to daily beverages

Taking this a step further, adding fresh lemon or lime juice, or apple cider vinegar, to your beverages throughout the day will help alkalize your body, effectively blocking the formation of kidney stones. These alkalizing juices will also help quickly dissolve any existing stones that might be present in your kidneys, keeping them clean and stone-free.

Eat foods that are naturally high in calcium

This point may run contrary to your existing line of thinking as far as kidney stones are concerned, but natural calcium is actually beneficial for preventing kidney stones. According to a recent study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, dietary calcium actually binds with calcium oxalate, the substance that makes up most kidney stones, and crystallizes and flushes it from the body before it has a chance to form into stones.


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