Nephrotic Syndrome is the common kidney disease which is accompanied with
edema, protein urine, high blood fat. With the development of the disease,
patients would suffer renal insufficient and suffer more and more complications
and symptoms. Then whether Nephrotic Syndrome patients can get married?
Can nephrotic syndrome patients get married? Most of the patients with
nephrotic syndrome are worried about this question. In fact, this depends on the
personal condition.
For those who have been clinically improved after standard and effective
treatment, they can establish a new family. This means that the existence of
protein, red blood cells, white blood cells and cast in the urine all disappear,
the kidney function recover to normal, and the disease don′t recur two years
after patients stop taking medicines.
While, patients with abnormal lab test index such as positive protein in
urine are recommended to firstly adopt standard treatment. After the disease is
clinically cured, they can consider getting married.
Besides, patients with nephrotic syndrome also should pay much more attention
to something in sexual life.
1. Pay attention to hygiene in sexual life so as to prevent infections which
may aggravate the kidney damage.
2. Avoid too frequent sexual activity. This is necessary for early and better
recovery. Family member should positively cooperate with the treatment, which
can reduce patient′s psychological stress.
3. During the treatment course, patients need to take contraception measures
and avoid inducements like fatigue, cold or flu, etc. These factors may
exacerbate the kidney disease.
Can Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Get Married? Now you must have a clear
knowledge about it. And if you want to know more information about Nephrotic Syndrome, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send email to, we will reply you within 24 hours.