
Can Chronic Glomerulonephritis Patients do Exercise?

“I am a Chronic Glomerulonephritis Patient, sometimes, I was told that you should exercise more, and sometimes I also was told that you should avoid exercise more. And I was confused. I just want to know what I can do with this question”. In fact whether kidney disease patients can do exercise should depend on their specific physical condition.

When can chronic glomerulonephritis patients do exercise?

Doing physical exercise regularly enables to strengthen muscles and improve immunity. In this case, as long as chronic glomerulonephritis patients are not badly weak and have sports taboos due to multiple organ renal failure, glomerulonephritis patients are recommended to do some exercise. Though the therapy of chronic glomerulonephritis needs patients to have enough rest and not be overtired, they should not oppose the healthy benefits of moderate exercise. In fact, moderate exercise not only build up their body, promote their integration with society, but also is more helpful for their therapy. For example, moderate exercise can alleviate high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and high blood sugar control so as to maintain a healthy weight and further prevent vascular embolism diseases.

What chronic glomerulonephritis patients should not do?

However, doing exercise must be in a moderate range and the standard for chronic glomerulonephritis patients is no feeling of overtired. On one hand, chronic glomerulonephritis patients had better choose aerobic exercise and should not do strenuous exercise. In this case, if you want to know what exercise is fit for you, you can tell your conditions to our online doctor and the doctor will recommend some suitable sports for you according to your condition. On the other hand, in Chronic Glomerulonephritis, damaged kidneys usually lead to high creatinine level, proteinuria and blood in urine. In this case, if you do strenuous exercise, creatinine level increases further. The most important one is that strenuous exercise will burden your kidneys which will aggravate proteinuria and hematuria. If all these symptoms are not under control, they will speed up the progression into renal failure. In this condition, you are facing dialysis or kidney transplant to extend your life span.

Chronic Glomerulonephritis patients can do some moderate exercise which is helpful for their health and treatment. Besides, chronic glomerulonephritis should avoid strenuous exercise.

Now, you must have a simple knowledge about the exercise for Chronic Glomerulonephritis, and we really hope what we mentioned can do something for you. And if you want to know more information about the suggestions for kidney disease or treatment, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, we will reply you within 24 hours.



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