
Top 5 Healthy Foods for People with Chronic Kidney Disease

We all know that Chronic Kidney Disease patients need to follow a strict diet plan to control the development of their disease. And we often received question from Chronic Kidney Disease about the diet. And today we list some foods that are good for the physical condition of CKD patients.

1. Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers are low in potassium and high in flavor, but that’s not the only reason they’re perfect for the kidney diet. These tasty vegetables are also an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamin B6, folic acid and fiber. Red bell peppers are good for you because they contain lycopene, an antioxidant that protects against certain cancers.

Eat red bell peppers raw with dip as a snack or appetizer, or mix them into tuna or chicken salad. You can also roast peppers and use them as a topping on sandwiches or lettuce salads, chop them for an omelet, add them to kabobs on the grill or stuff peppers with ground turkey or beef and bake them for a main dish.

2. Cabbage

A cruciferous vegetable, cabbage is packed full of phytochemicals, chemical compounds in fruit or vegetables that break up free radicals before they can do damage. Many phytochemicals are also known to protect against and fight cancer, as well as foster cardiovascular health.

High in vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber, cabbage is also a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid. Low in potassium and low in cost, it’s an affordable addition to the kidney diet.

Raw cabbage makes a great addition to the dialysis diet as coleslaw or topping for fish tacos. You can steam, microwave or boil it, add butter or cream cheese plus pepper or caraway seeds and serve it as a side dish. Cabbage Rolls Made with Turkey are a great appetizer, and if you’re feeling fancy, you can stuff a cabbage with ground meat and bake it for a flavorful meal bursting with nutrients.

3. Cauliflower

Another cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower is high in vitamin C and a good source of folate and fiber. It’s also packed full of indoles, glucosinolates and thiocyanates—compounds that help the liver neutralize toxic substances that could damage cell membranes and DNA.

Serve it raw as crudités with dip, add it to a salad, or steam or boil it and season with spices such as turmeric, curry powder, pepper and herb seasonings. You can also make a nondairy white sauce, pour it over the cauliflower and bake until tender. You can pair cauliflower with pasta or even mash cauliflower as a dialysis diet replacement for mashed potatoes.

4. Garlic

Garlic helps prevent plaque from forming on your teeth, lowers cholesterol and reduces inflammation.

Buy it fresh, bottled, minced or powdered, and add it to meat, vegetable or pasta dishes. You can also roast a head of garlic and spread on bread. Garlic provides a delicious flavor and garlic powder is a great substitute for garlic salt in the dialysis diet.

5. Onions

Onion, a member of the Allium family and a basic flavoring in many cooked dishes, contains sulfur compounds which give it its pungent smell. But in addition to making some people cry, onions are also rich in flavonoids, especially quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that works to reduce heart disease and protects against many cancers. Onions are low in potassium and a good source of chromium, a mineral that helps with carbohydrate, fat andprotein metabolism.

Try using a variety of onions including white, brown, red and others. Eat onions raw on burgers, sandwiches and in salads, cook them and use as a caramelized topping or fry them into onion rings. Include onions in recipes such as Italian Beef with Peppers and Onions.

These foods are rich in nutrition and can not cause damage to the kidney. And if you want to know more information about Chronic Kidney Disease diet, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, we will reply you as soon as possible.

Calcium Deficiency in Nephrotic Syndrome Children: Cause and Treatment

nephrotic syndrome children often suffer from calcium deficiency which influence the growth of children. Especially for the parents, they are very afraid of health of their children. But why the children suffer that and what kind of treatment they can take? We will have a detailed analysis about the cause and treatment.

The cause of calcium deficiency in calcium deficiency:

Experts said that the biggest characteristic of nephrotic syndrome patients is excessive proteinuria, which will lead to albumin lost a lot, at the same time, the calcium will drain out of body with albumin through proteinuria. While the children’s vigorous growth stage, their body have high demand for calcium, so that the children with nephrotic syndrome are easily suffer calcium deficiency.
Besides, western treatment for nephrotic syndrome needs long-term use of large dose of adrenal cortical hormone. Pharmacological studies have shown that hormone plays a resistant role for human body absorbing vitamin D and calcium. In this case, calcium deficiency in ill child will become more serious, resulting in osteoporosis. If the parents have not pay enough attention to take calcium supplements for their children timely, as time passes, the children with nephrotic syndrome will experience blood calcium reduction, convulsion and tetany.

The Treatment for calcium deficiency in calcium deficiency:

In order to hold the calcium in children with nephrotic syndrome, kidney experts recommend using the combine treatment of Chinese medicine and western medicine to support them recovery, because Chinese herbs can replace the hormone and have little side effect.

The active substances in Chinese herbs has effect on expending blood vessels, promoting blood vessels and cleaning the toxins in blood, so it can help stop kidney damage and remit all kinds of complications. nephrotic syndrome children with calcium deficiency can take our medicine without curious for it is natural. And if you are interested in our therapy, contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, we will reply you as soon as possible.


Detailed Introduction About Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of genetic disease which refers to there are many fluid-filled pockets spreading on the kidney, with the enlargement of the cysts, they will take the space of normal kidney tissues, causing the insufficient of blood and oxygen in kidney, so the kidney function will decline. This article will have a detailed analysis about Polycystic Kidney Disease, and patients can get some information they want and we hope it can do something for you.
What is polycystic kidney disease?
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is the number four cause of kidney failure in Americans, and an estimated 600,000 people in the United States currently have it. About half of the people diagnosed with PKD will experience end stage renal disease (ESRD) and will need dialysis or a kidney transplant. So what is PKD all about?
Typically, a kidney is about the size of a closed fist. But for those who inherit PKD, cysts that are filled with fluid form in the kidneys and can change their size, interfering with normal kidney function.
PKD is commonly believed to equally affect men and women of all races. However, some studies have shown that the disease may occur more often in Caucasians than in African-Americans and in females more often than males.
How can a doctor detect polycystic kidney disease?
Because many people with PKD have no signs or symptoms, some people can live their entire life not knowing they have the disease. In these cases, routine blood and urine tests may not even show any signs of PKD.
Ultrasound is most commonly used to detect initial-stage ADPKD, and it can reveal cysts in a fetus’s kidneys, while it is still in the womb when detecting ARPKD (ultrasound imaging has no side effects and is safe for all patients). Sound waves pass harmlessly through the kidneys and create a picture for the doctor to examine. The doctor will be able to see the cysts if they are large enough.
What is being done to treat polycystic kidney disease?
By identifying the processes that trigger the formation of kidney cysts, and experimenting with drugs that can inhibit or block them, there is hope that research will lead to improvements in treating PKD and a cure.
To discuss more about PKD and how it affects you and your family, find a kidney doctor in your area today.

If you want to know more information about PKD or want to ask for more suggestion about treatment or lifestyle about PKD, you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, we will reply you as soon as possible.


How to Treat Kidney Cysts with High Creatinine Level

Renal cysts with high creatinine level are typically fluid-filled sacs that develop in one or both kidneys. The disease can cause pain and discomfort in sufferers, particularly in the back or sides. Renal cyst with high creatinine level is usually found more often in people over fifty. Although Renal cysts with high creatinine level is a progressive, incurable disease, there are treatment options available to manage the pain and discomfort caused by cysts.

How to Treat Kidney Cyst with High Creatinine Level

1. Determine what is causing the pain. Kidney cyst with high creatinine level pain can be caused by infection, cyst expansion or bleeding of the cyst. Once your doctor has determined what is causing your discomfort, treatment options can be discussed.

2. Perform surgery to remove or drain cysts. If a patient is experiencing extreme pain due to kidney cysts with high creatinine level, a surgeon may elect to surgically remove larger cysts or drain existing cysts if they are too numerous for complete removal.

3. Treat underlying infections. Kidney cysts with high creatinine level sufferers are more prone to suffer kidney, bladder and urinary tract infections. In order to treat pain associated with these infections, it is important to visit your doctor who will prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Once the underlying infection has been treated, pain should decrease.

4. Make healthy lifestyle choices. Quitting smoking, eating a diet low in protein, potassium, salt and phosphorus, exercising and controlling blood pressure can help slow the progression of PKD and slow the expansion and growth of cysts, thus preventing potential pain in the future.

Complex renal cysts may contain other materials besides the fluid found in simple cysts. These cysts may require additional treatment methods. A biopsy may be performed to test for cancer, and additional medical tests may be ordered. In the most severe cases, the affected kidney may have to be removed in a surgical procedure known as a nephrectomy. Fortunately, many people are able to live full, active lives with only one healthy kidney.



How to Alleviate Ttching Skin on Stage 3 CKD

Skin disorders associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) can markedly affect a patient's quality of life and can negatively impact their mental and physical health.

Uremic pruritus, which is frequently encountered in patients with stage 3 CKD, is considered to be an inflammatory systemic disease rather than a local skin disorder. Treatment options for uremic pruritus include emollients, topical capsaicin cream, ultraviolet B phototherapy, gabapentin, oral activated charcoal and nalfurafine, a kappa-opioid-receptor agonist.

In some patients, UP occurs intermittently and lasts only several minutes, but other patients suffer from prolonged periods of severe pruritus, which can occur throughout the day and night. The occurrence, duration and intensity of UP can change over time and the itching is usually worst at night. The areas most commonly affected by UP are the back, limbs, chest and head, but 20-50% of patients experience generalized pruritus. External heat, sweat and stress can aggravate UP, and cold or hot showers can alleviate symptoms. Contradictory reports have been published on the acute effect of dialysis on UP; some studies have shown that the itch worsens during dialysis sessions while others have shown an immediate beneficial effect of dialysis on UP. The type of biocompatible dialysis membrane does not seem to affect the incidence of UP, but a recent, noncontrolled study showed the use of polymethylmethacrylate high-flux dialysis membranes to be associated with a significant reduction in pruritus score.

UP has a substantial effect on quality of life, as it causes serious discomfort, anxiety, depression and sleeping disorders. Sleeping disorders cause chronic fatigue, are associated with disturbance of day and night rhythm and they have a negative influence on mental and physical capacity. Recently, both a Japanese study and the DOPPS demonstrated an association between UP and an increased risk of mortality. This effect was lost in the DOPPS when sleep quality was incorporated into the multivariate analysis. Nevertheless, although UP might not be directly causally linked with mortality it is increasingly recognized as an indicator of excess mortality risk in patients with stage 3 CKD.

UP often leads to considerable mechanical skin damage as a result of continuous scratching, with excoriations, superimposed infections and chronic lesions of prurigo nodularis or skin lichenification often occurring. Despite these findings, UP remains an underappreciated complication that adversely affects the quality of life of many patients with stage 3 CKD.



Peritoneal Dialysis Treatment for Uremia

Our body like a huge city, the city where the kidney is cleaner, responsible for cleaning up a lot of garbage every day and waste, in the form of urine discharged. Once the cleaners stopped working, the body of metabolic waste, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, waste will be piled up, people will be anorexia, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, swelling, fatigue and other symptoms. This situation is called renal failure medicine, also called uremia.

The occurrence of renal failure and how to do? 

Suffering from uremia equals suffering from an incurable disease! This argument has become in the past. In the scientific development today, as usual uremic patients can work, study and live. From the quality of life for kidney transplantation is the best choice, but because with the type and the economy, the vast majority of patients chose hemodialysis treatment - peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis.

What is peritoneal dialysis 

The special liquid is called a "dialysate" through a "dialysis tube" coming down the abdominal cavity, which is when one side of the peritoneum metabolic waste and excess water containing blood, the other side of the abdomen thousand quiet transparent fluid, blood metabolic wastes and excess water will go through the peritoneal dialysis fluid inside. 3-4 hours after reservations (at night can keep 8-10 hours), these dialysate containing waste water released from the abdominal cavity, and then filling into the new dialysate. Such replacement 4-5 times a day, you can continue to rid their bodies of toxins and excess water.

What are the advantages of peritoneal dialysis? 

Peritoneal dialysis is used to maintain the life of uremic patients have been eighty years of history. Currently in Hong Kong and some European countries, 80% in uremic patients under peritoneal dialysis to live, work and learn. So what are the advantages of peritoneal dialysis it?

1, place of residence without hemodialysis machine patients can choose peritoneal dialysis; 2, the economic difficulties optional dialysis. Relative kidney transplantation, hemodialysis, the dialysis is the most expensive one; 3, diabetes or heart uremic patients most suitable for dialysis, help protect the heart function; 4, do not go to the hospital, does not affect the work, study and tourism; 5, is conducive to maintaining residual renal function, help maintain hemoglobin and blood pressure, thus reducing the amount of red pigment and promote antihypertensive drugs; 6, not only gets rid of small molecule toxins good, and remove the molecules, macromolecules toxins other dialysis is unmatched, so fewer complications.

Way of life will always encounter a lot of ups and downs, but we can not give up, no matter what kind of storm dangers, efforts to live our every day will be wonderful.



The Knowledge you Should Know about Renal Cysts

Renal cysts of varying sizes is a general term that do not communicate with the outside world cystic mass arising in the kidneys. The vast majority of renal cysts and asymptomatic. So this should usually a lot of attention, to learn more about some of the relevant knowledge of renal cysts is very important. Here we give who introduced. About renal cysts some things you should know.

The Knowledge you Should Know about Renal Cysts

A renal cyst classification

①, acquired renal cysts. Mainly due to uremia or dialysis treatment after the occurrence. Regardless of age, and about the same time hemodialysis.

②, adult kidney cysts. Is a congenital genetic disease, kidney essence of varying sizes filled with countless communicating with the outside world is not round cyst capsule containing a liquid, a small naked eye can not see, can be several centimeters large, hence the term for polycystic kidney disease. Performance of nocturia, back pain, high blood pressure. Urinalysis hematuria, proteinuria small amounts, often slowly develop into chronic renal failure.

③, simple renal cysts. May be a congenital abnormality, a unilateral or bilateral renal and there is one or several sizes of round cysts do not communicate with the outside world, mostly one-sided, so called simple renal cysts.

Second, the treatment of renal cysts

Treatment of renal cysts, there are three: ①, puncture and drainage + injection sclerotherapy, ②, open cyst fenestration, ③, laparoscopic cyst fenestration. Three treatments have advantages and disadvantages, puncture recurrence rate, open surgical trauma, high laparoscopic costs.

Third, prevention of renal cysts

Global hospital network experts: special emphasis on the following aspects, spicy clinical categories: such as pepper, alcohol, smoking (including passive smoking), chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp, crabs and other "hair thing"; salty category food, especially pickled; contaminated food, such as unsanitary food, rotten, leftovers, etc; grilled foods; addition, should limit animal protein, high fat and greasy class food, namely above Feiganhouwei; restrictions beans and soy products, especially in patients with renal insufficiency should pay more attention.



Exercise for People with Chronic Kidney Disease

Exercise for People with Chronic Kidney Disease
Exercise is good for stage patients in a variety of ways. Exercise can help you lose extra weight and it also can strengthen muscles of human body, boosting the immune systems of patients. Besides physical benefits, exercise is also good for the mental of human body, reducing depression and anxiety.

But what we mentioned doesn’t mean that all kinds of exercises are suitable for patients and the more exercises you take, the better your health is. And there are some tips for patients when they have proper exercises.

Diet plan for CKD patients with exercises

No. Exercise does not give you permission to go off your recommended kidney diet. A diet and exercise program work together. Following one does not mean you can ignore the other. If you notice an increase in your appetite after you begin an exercise program, talk to yourrenal dietitian. They will coach you to make sure your calorie intake is adequate.

Eating restricted foods can endanger your health and may cause problems if you are ondialysis treatment. Always ask your doctor and renal dietitian about eating foods that are not specified in your early or late stage kidney diet. They can tell you what is allowed and what is not. Many restricted foods are limited because of the high amounts of sodium, phosphorus,potassium, fat or sugar they contain. Discuss any foods you would like to add to your diet with your renal dietitian first.

Pay attention to the fluid intake after exercises , if you are on dialysis
If you are exercising and perspiring heavily, you may need to replace lost fluid, depending on which stage of CKD you have.

Tell your renal dietitian about your exercise program. Your dietitian may have you monitor your urine output. If you are urinating less and sweating more, your dietitian may increase your fluid intake. If you do not urinate, your fluid levels will be evaluated. You should talk to your renal dietitian before making any changes to the amount of fluids you are drinking. Your dietitian can give you an idea of how much fluid is good for you and can monitor your hydration. It may take a while to get the proper balance, but if you are giving your dietitian good data, she can determine what is optimal for your body.

In a word, proper exercises are good for the health of patients and patients also should pay attention to quantity, avoiding overworks. In addition, combing with the scientific lifestyle and diet, CKD patients can control the development of the disease, decreasing the pains brought by disease . And we hope what we mentioned can do something for you. If you still want to more suggestions for your CKD, you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, we will reply you within 24 hours.

Treatment Options for Renal Cyst Patients

A cyst is a closed pouch or sac filled with air or liquid. A simple kidney cyst is a round pouch of smooth, thin-walled tissue or a closed pocket that is usually filled with fluid. Renal cysts are small to large masses that grow on one or both kidneys. Simple kidney cysts are usually small round sacs that have a thin wall and are filled with a watery fluid. As people get older, cysts can form on the surface or in the nephrons of the kidneys. How to treatment kidney cyst?

Treatments for cysts that cause signs and symptoms

If your simple kidney cyst is causing signs and symptoms, your doctor may recommend treatment. Options include:

Puncturing and draining the cyst, then filling it with alcohol. Rarely, to shrink the cyst, your doctor inserts a long, thin needle through your skin and through the wall of the kidney cyst. Then the fluid is drained from the cyst. Your doctor may fill the cyst with an alcohol solution to prevent it from reforming. The cysts generally return after this type of procedure, so it's reserved for certain situations.

Surgery to remove the cyst. A large or symptomatic cyst may require surgery to drain and remove it. To access the cyst, the surgeon makes several small incisions in your skin and inserts special tools and a small video camera. While watching a video monitor in the operating room, the surgeon guides the tools to the kidney and uses them to drain the fluid from the cyst. Then the walls of the cyst are cut or burned away.

Depending on the type of procedure your doctor recommends, treatment for your kidney cyst may require a brief hospital stay.

If you have any question, you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, and you can click the websit http://www.kidneyfight.com. Contacting with our online doctor.

What is Renal Failure Treatment

Chronic renal failure, or chronic kidney disease (CKD), is a slow and progressive decline of kidney function. It's usually a result of a complication from another serious medical condition. This could be sudden or rapid in onset in case of acute renal injury or damage or acute renal failure.Renal failure may also occur due to long term damage to the kidney functions leading to chronic renal failure.

Symptoms and Complications of Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic renal failure can be present for many years before you notice any symptoms. If your doctor suspects that you may be likely to develop renal failure, he or she will probably catch it early by conducting regular blood and urine tests. If regular monitoring isn't done, the symptoms may not be detected until the kidneys have already been damaged. Some of the symptoms - such as fatigue - may have been present for some time, but can come on so gradually that they aren't noticed or attributed to kidney failure.

Some signs of chronic renal failure are more obvious than others. These are:

increased urination, especially at night
decreased urination
blood in the urine (not a common symptom of chronic renal failure)
urine that is cloudy or tea-coloured
Other symptoms aren't as obvious, but are a direct result of the kidneys' inability to eliminate waste and excess fluid from the body:

puffy eyes, hands, and feet (called edema)
high blood pressure
shortness of breath
loss of appetite
nausea and vomiting (this is a common symptom)
bad taste in the mouth or bad breath
weight loss
generalized, persistent itchy skin
muscle twitching or cramping
a yellowish-brown tint to the skin
As the kidney failure gets worse and the toxins continue to build up in the body, seizures and mental confusion can result.

Never disregard any advice given to you by your doctor or other qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other licensed health care professional regarding any questions you have about your medical condition(s) and treatment(s). If you have any questions, you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com

Nephrotic Syndrome:Causes&Symptoms&Treatment

Nephrotic syndrome is a disorder that indicates damaged kidneys. It refers to a group of symptoms, including protein in the urine, low blood protein, and high cholesterol. Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder characterised by high levels of protein in the urine and swelling of body tissue.  People of any age can be affected by nephrotic syndrome, although children aged between 18 months and four years are at increased risk.


In New Zealand, the most common cause of the nephrotic syndrome is glomerulonephritis - a group of kidney diseases where the glomeruli become inflamed. Malfunction of the immune system is thought to be the underlying cause of glomerulonephritis. For some reason the immune system attacks and damages the glomeruli. The three most common forms of glomerulonephritis causing nephrotic syndrome are:

Minimal change nephropathy (also called minimal change disease).
Membranous glomerulonephritis.
Focal segmental glomerulonephritis.

Signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome include:

Swelling (edema), particularly around your eyes and in your ankles and feet
Foamy urine, which may be caused by excess protein in your urine
Weight gain due to excess fluid retention

How is nephrotic syndrome treated?

In some cases, nephrotic syndrome may be symptomless or mild and not require treatment. If symptoms appear, however, it is important to treat them because further damage to the kidneys can occur over time. The most important symptom to treat is high blood pressure. Controlling autoimmune symptoms and lowering blood cholesterol are also important goals of treating nephrotic syndrome.

Medications for nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome symptoms are treated with a variety of medications including:

Blood pressure medications, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers, which prevent further damage to the glomeruli
Blood thinners, which prevent clots from forming
Cholesterol-reducing medications such as statins, which control blood cholesterol levels
Corticosteroids, which control inflammation
Diuretics, which reduce swelling
Vitamin supplements such as vitamin D, which replace lost vitamins and minerals



What are the Risk Factors of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease. Renal cystic disease is the most common one. Lower back pain, there is a common symptom of kidney stones when merging polycystic kidney disease are hypertension, hematuria, renal enlargement, urinary tract infections, lower back pain will cyst bleeding, infection will back pain, fever, when there will be hydronephrosis colic, hematuria. Polycystic kidney disease inflicting great harm to the patient's physical and mental health, and therefore for the cause, early treatment is the key.

1, congenital polycystic kidney dysplasia reason

By congenital dysplasia can produce a variety of diseases, for cystic kidney disease, the main cause medullary sponge kidney may be stunted polycystic kidney disease, congenital abnormalities of genes generally no exception, so it is with genetic or gene mutation there is a difference.

2, gene mutation (non-genetic)

For polycystic kidney disease, the most by genetic parents, divided into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some patients with polycystic kidney disease is neither genetic parents, nor congenital polycystic dysplasia nephropathy, but when embryogenesis gene mutation. In the embryo formation process, due to various factors, so the gene mutated form the polycystic kidney disease, although such cases are rare, but can still happen, so some patients with polycystic kidney disease can be no parents genetic history .

3, various infections

Infection may occur abnormal changes in the internal environment, which is conducive to produce cysts genes changing environmental conditions in which the activity of cyst enhanced internal factors, a common infection of upper respiratory tract infections (including cold), urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal tract infection, skin infections, trauma, infection, infection, etc. instruments, namely whether it is a bacterial infection or a viral infection, can have a significant impact on the cyst.

4, diet

Poor diet can cause many diseases produce, of course, produce cystic disease, an important factor in the development of change. Among them are:

(A) diet, such as hunger is undernourished; fullness is easy to hurt the stomach digestion, absorption function and blood circulation disorders; overeating Feiganhouwei metaplasia is easy to heat.

(2) eating unclean, light prone to cause gastrointestinal disease, severe poisoning or even life-threatening.

(3) partial addicted to diet, such as eating more raw cold, then easily hurt the stomach yang, eat hot Xin Wen will enable the gastrointestinal accumulated heat, then there Gomi partial addicted, long the visceral easily hurt.

5, emotional factors

Modern medical research shows: bad mood can change the body's nervous and endocrine disorders, thus changing the body's internal environment through neurohormonal effects. Abnormalities within the environment in turn had an impact on the cyst. And poor people's emotions can be reduced immunity, thus contributing to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn make the cyst affected. Large number of clinical practice has proved that negative emotions can aggravate their condition, especially cystic disease, while recuperating mood, not sad not impatient, the condition often can be gradually improved.

6, pregnancy

Under normal circumstances, the impact of pregnancy on the course of polycystic kidney function mainly depends on the situation, although there is currently no data confirm pregnancy causes polycystic kidney disease course acceleration, but multiple pregnancy associated with hypertension and its prognosis is often poor, and there is women with polycystic kidney quarter of new-onset hypertension in pregnancy or existing hypertension aggravated, so multiple pregnancy will adversely affect the prognosis of women with polycystic kidney. Of course, here that is still normal renal function, such as polycystic kidney function is not normal pregnancy women greater risk. If you have any question, you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com. We will reply you within 24 hour.

Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure

Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure
"Renal failure" is renal failure. The kidneys are important excretory organs of the body, with excretion of metabolites, drugs, poisons and detoxification products, and regulate body water, electrolyte, acid-base balance function. In addition. in order to regulate the body of important physiological functions, the kidneys also secrete erythropoietin and other important hormones. So the kidneys are versatile organ, it plays an important role is to maintain the stability of the human body environment.

Chronic renal failure treated? Had chronic renal failure and what treatment? How to effectively treat it? Expert analysis of chronic renal insufficiency although the later stages of chronic kidney disease, but after proper and effective treatment, still prolong life.

Chronic renal failure treated? 1) cause of treatment as prevention and treatment of infections, correct water and electrolyte disorders.

Chronic renal failure treated? 2) reduce azotemia ① high-sugar diet or from intravenous supply of high quality low-protein diet, that a small amount of egg intake, milk a day, supplemented by meat and fish; ② Nandrolone 25 mg every other day or every week two times in order to increase protein synthesis and muscle injections; ③ promote quality products nitrogen discharge, intravenous diuretic furosemide (Lasix)-based artificial kidney dialysis, usually 12-24 hours per week through the left pole.

Chronic renal failure treated? When the average patient may not have to limit salt, low sodium:;: 3) correcting water, electrolyte and acid-base metabolism disorders ① ② Carolina drinking water generally do not limit the amount can be added intravenous severe dehydration, edema should diuretic drainage should be appropriate to add vein, high sodium salt or salt-free diet should be, and a diuretic to promote the discharge; ③ calcium: Oral aluminum hydroxide gel 20-30 ml, four times a day, in order to inhibit the intestinal absorption of phosphorus, oral calcium supplement calcium concentration; ④ correction of metabolic acidosis: 5% sodium bicarbonate 100-300 ml or 300-500 ml 1.8% sodium lactate infusion.

Chronic renal failure treated? 4) Treatment of symptomatic treatment such as chlorpromazine and other evil people vomiting with methoprene Love (metoclopramide),; hiccups atropine or acupuncture treatment; diarrhea significant available compound tincture of camphor; irritability, convulsions optional diazepam (Valium ), chlorpromazine; high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, etc. see various diseases respectively.

Chronic renal failure treated? 5) the treatment of kidney transplant kidney transplantation is limited in uremic patients under 50 years old, is the best way to effect treatment of uremia, renal transplantation longest survival period of nearly 30 years.

You can contact us kidneyfight@hotmail.com


Primary Nephrotic Syndrome

Primary nephrotic syndrome. For primary glomerular diseases caused by such minimal change nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, membranous proliferative kidney disease, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, focal segmental glomerular sclerosis.

(A) minimal change nephropathy, more common in children and adolescents. Insidious onset, gross hematuria.

(2) membranous nephropathy, usually after the age of onset at 35, insidious onset, slow disease development, prone to renal vein thrombosis, gross hematuria is rare.

(3) membrane proliferative kidney disease, frequently-occurring disease in 30 years ago, rapid onset, almost all of the patients had microscopic hematuria, showed a progressive decline in renal function, approximately one-third of patients with hypertension.

(4) mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, occur in adolescents, insidious onset, can also be acute, more associated with hematuria in microscopic hematuria, and mild to moderate hypertension.

(5) focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, more common in young people, the majority of patients are almost occult onset, maximum performance is nephrotic syndrome, followed by microscopic hematuria, renal function decline.

You can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hour.


Bad Diet Habits Damage Kidney Function of Male

In recent years, a lot of people because of kidney problems, people are trying to use all sorts of medicines to protect the kidney, but the protection of the kidney can't just rely on drugs, but rather to recuperate from the daily life.then which kind of daily life habits will affect the kidneys of male?

1.drinking much bear

if you have attacked by kidney disease and drink bear no limit,renal tubular will be blocked by the deposion of Uric acid, leading to kidney failure.

Recommendation: If the blood test and found kidney problems, I am afraid this time has been impaired renal function does not light up, and their kidneys and other blood tests to understand, not as usual on regular urine because urine is the most simple to understand kidney quickest way.

2.improper consumption of fruits and vegetables

Eat more fruits and vegetables healthy, which is most people's idea, but for chronic renal dysfunction in people, these fruits and vegetables usually are considered to help lower blood pressure naturally high potassium foods containing ingredients, but will result in long-term consumption of their destruction of renal function. In fact, for people who are poor kidney function, potassium also aggravate kidney workmanship ingredients, great for kidney damage.

Recommendation: If you are suffering from chronic renal dysfunction, you should pay attention to proper eating fruits and vegetables, avoid impact on the kidneys. Do not drink too strong vegetable juice, hot pot soup, soup diet to light is appropriate.

3.do not love to drink water

Most men did not drink much interest, do not even think it is important, but in fact this is very likely to cause significant harm to the body. Our metabolism waste is mainly processed by the liver and kidneys, accounting for only 1% of the body weight of the kidneys have to accept a quarter of systemic cardiac output, there will be 1-2 liters of blood per minute through the kidney, therefore, accept the kidney waste far more than other organs and organ. The most important thing is waste kidneys balance, metabolic activity is responsible for the physiological mediator of body water and electrolyte produced, side by side in the urine, but when it carried out these functions, you need enough water to assist.

Recommendation: to develop the habit of drinking more water can dilute the urine, so the urine rapid discharge, not only can prevent stones, while eating too much salt also helps lighten the urine, thereby protecting the kidneys.


Kidney Stones and Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney stones is common seen in Chronic Kidney Disease, and in turn, it also can cause kidney injury or lead to further damage to kidney. Patients with kidney stones usually suffer a lot, such as bloody or cloudy urine that smells bad, nausea and vomiting, fever and chills, burning, painful sensation when urinating. And when patients experiences those, they had better to see a doctor for it is a sign of kidney injury. Now let’s have a study about the relationship between kidney stones and Chronic Kidney Disease.

How the kidney stones are formed

Calcium kidney stones are the most common. Calcium stones often occur in people with high levels of vitamin D or overactive parathyroid glands. People with CKD are more likely to get calcium kidney stones.

Struvite kidney stones typically form after a urinary tract infection. They are more common in women, who tend to have chronic urinary infections more often than men. Struvite stones tend to be jagged or stag-horn shaped stones and can become large, causing damage to the kidneys.

Uric acid kidney stones are formed due to too much uric acid in the urine and is more common in men. A diet high in protein can contribute to the amount of uric acid in the body. People with gout are at risk for uric acid stones.

Cystine kidney stones are rare compared to the other types of kidney stones because they are caused by an inherited disease called cystinuria. Most people with this condition are diagnosed at a young age and will be treated for this throughout their lifetime.

Treatment for kidney stones

Determining the type of kidney stone you have is usually done by evaluating a 24-hour collection of urine, or by examining a stone after it has been passed. There are several methods of renal stone removal; many don’t require surgery. You may even be able to pass a stone by drinking lots of water.

In addition, our Chinese medicine can help you solve your kidney problems effectively. Chinese herbs medicines is famous in all over the world. The active substances in medicine can dissolve the kidney stones effectively. At the same time, they has the functions of improving blood circulation and cleaning the toxins in blood. With constant and fresh blood flowing into kidney, the ultra immune response can be blocked, kidney damage can be stopped and injured kidney can be repaired.

If you are attacked by Chronic Kidney Disease or Kidney Stone and want to know more about our treatment, you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, we will reply you within 24 hours.


Diet Plan and Treatment for CKD Patients

Diet Plan and Treatment for CKD Patients
With a scientific diet plan and timely treatment, CKD patients can improve their life quality and even enjoy a normal life. But we also should know that for CKD patients in different stages, their daily diet and treatment ways also are different. Now we will have a detailed introduction about the diet and treatment for CKD patients and we hope what we mentioned can help you control the development of your CKD disease.

What can I eat?

On the CKD non-dialysis diet, you can eat a variety of foods. Depending on your size, symptoms, stage of chronic kidney disease, age, activity level and other health conditions, your renal dietitian will make sure you are on an eating plan that is best suited for you. This nutritious eating plan will feature a prescribed amount of high quality protein, along with carbohydrates and fats to provide adequate calories.

What can’t I eat?

Your dietitian will adjust the amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat you can eat in a day. On the CKD non-dialysis diet, eating less protein is recommended. Eating more nutritious carbohydrates, such as those found in grains, fruits and vegetables is encouraged. Healthy fats such as canola and olive oil may be increased for added calories.

At stages 3 and 4 CKD your protein intake may be limited. The amount depends on your body size and kidney function. Although you may be instructed to eat more carbohydrates and fats to meet your calorie needs, those with little nutritive value (such as candy, soda, animal fats and processed foods) should only be a small part of your diet. If you have other health conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol or blood pressure, you may be advised to restrict the amount of sugar, saturated fat and salt you can eat.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for CKD patients

It has the functions of expending blood vessel, anti-inflammatory, anti-freezing and degrading extracellular matrix. When the blood vessels are expended, there are enough blood flowing into kidney, improving the condition of kidney hypoxic-ischemic and blocking the ultra immune response. At the same time, the active substances in medicines also can dissolve the blood stasis in kidney and with the improving blood speed, the wastes and toxins can be excreted out of body with metabolism. When the blood in kidney are normal, the kidney damage will be stopped and kidney function can be improved at different degrees.

If you want to know more information about CKD diet and Treatment, send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, we are pleasure to solve your problems.


Why Nephritis is Lingering Disease

When nephritis patients experience bad factors , the kidney will get further damage.The preliminary treatment always become vain. Then, Why Nephritis is Lingering Disease and recurrent. Our specialists analysis the reason for you.

TCM theory: Kidney is an important organ of the body of water metabolism.Basic substances of human life activity is gas, blood, body fluids, heart and kidney, liver and kidney, spleen and kidney, in order to dominate each other.So, when kidney inflammation, the body will cause edema, urinary urgency, urinary frequency, urinary no, hematuria and other symptoms. Based on a large amount of medical data to show that, with the promotion of the kidneys in urine production, metabolite excretion function of the body, purify the internal environment to maintain a relatively stable factor, maintain acid-base balance, regulating blood pressure, and thus a heavy burden on the kidneys.

Patients suffering from chronic nephritis, once in the face of negative factors is very easy to attack aggravate the condition, so that the original treatment outcomes come to naught. So why chronic nephritis permanently, but also easy to repeated attacks? Experts to help us analyze the nephritis permanently reasons.

1, the treatment is not complete

Treatment shall not be treated, many patients with acute and chronic nephritis, there has not been a formal treatment system, there are worse use of nephrotoxic drugs: amino-type drugs, gentamicin, kanamycin and streptomycin treatment . This is not conducive to treatment, but to a large extent aggravated the disease, many patients say that I treat every year, spent a lot of money, but also wasted a lot of time, but still recurrent disease but also with recurrent, while increasing, and eventually developed into the kidney in the late ...... uremia.

Treatment properly, one has better believe that their disease is cured immediately discontinued. This situation is a cause of recurrent acute and chronic nephritis. A lot of people on kidney disease awareness is not enough, that a period of treatment, there is no obvious symptoms of the neglect of treatment or no treatment altogether, thinking that his kidney disease cured. In actual fact, no matter what the disease, must undergo physical symptoms disappear after a period of consolidation therapy.

So many acute and chronic nephritis patients, although no symptoms, but it is easy to relapse.

2, is not in place prevention

Diet pay attention: not always follow the doctor prescribed diet, daily diet, eating too much sodium and potassium diet, increased the burden on the kidneys and the heart.

Overworked: Overworked (such as participating in heavy manual labor and strenuous exercise), burn the midnight oil, and even sexual fatigue, etc., can make chronic nephritis sicker.

3, other infections diseases

(A) a bacterial or viral infection: This is the most common cause, especially in the upper respiratory tract infections (common cold), asymptomatic bacteriuria, flu, sore throat, trachea and so can make chronic bronchitis' nephritis symptoms.

(2) stress: the so-called stress refers to a variety of reasons for foreign body overload, such as a sudden gastrointestinal bleeding, severe gastroenteritis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, anaphylactic shock, more than the body can withstand the stress ability, mainly refers to the adrenal cortex stimulation in order to cope with the sudden arrival of emergency adjusted secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone and so on. All kinds of stress can make the condition of acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis.

(3) Other: water and electrolyte disorders, acid-base balance, can cause acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis.

Usually in the role of all these reasons, the same day or a few days appear similar clinical manifestations of acute nephritis, such as proteinuria, hematuria aggravated, edema, hypertension, oliguria, and even renal insufficiency.

Such as the timely removal of aggravating factors, and given the right treatment, most patients can get good treatment, renal function returned to normal. If patients do not pay attention over the predisposing factors, is likely to lead to deterioration of the condition, and quickly into renal failure.



Four Characteristic Clinical Manifestations of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome, depending on the pathology is divided into primary nephrotic syndrome, congenital nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome secondary to three classes. Clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome has four major characteristics: massive proteinuria, edema, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia. Here to introduce specific features of nephrotic syndrome clinical manifestations.

1, proteinuria

Proteinuria albumin is the main component, also contain other plasma protein components. Patients with proteinuria more than 3.5 grams per day may have a lipid urine. Glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria will reduce; severe hypoalbuminemia, increase urinary protein excretion, urinary protein excretion high protein diet will increase.

2, edema

Patients with the most notable symptoms are more severe edema, initial early morning eyelids, face, ankle edema visible, along with the gradual development of the disease, can spread to the whole body edema and pleural effusion, ascites, pericardial effusion, mediastinal effusion, scrotum or labia edema, pulmonary edema can occur.

3, hypoalbuminemia

Hypoproteinemia refers serum albumin of less than 30 grams per liter, when the compensatory role of albumin in patients with liver synthesis insufficient to cover the amount of urinary protein loss, hypoalbuminemia appear.

4, hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia and hypoalbuminemia related to the patient can be presented lipid urine, double refraction of the fat body appears in the urine, which may be epithelial cells containing cholesterol or fat body casts.

If you have any questions,you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com. We will reply you for within 24 hours.

Can Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Drink Alcohol

Can Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Drink Alcohol
Alcohol is the common thing in our daily life. It is the necessities for communication of human body. For normal people, having proper alcohol intake is good for their health, for example, it can promote the blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood stasis. But for Chronic Kidney Disease patients, whether they can drink alcohol? Today, we will have a detailed introduction about the relationship between alcohol and CKD patients.

Moderate alcohol drinking may be okay for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who are not on dialysis. However, it’s best to first check with your nephrologist or renal dietitian to find out if alcohol is safe for you. If you’re able to drink alcohol safely, your healthcare team will advise you on the types and amounts that are right for you.

If you’re on dialysis, drinking alcohol may be allowable, but it must be counted within your normal fluid allowance and diet, and medicines must be taken into consideration. Talk to your doctor or dietitian before you drink any alcohol.
For those with diabetes and CKD, alcohol may be safe to drink if you have your blood sugar level under control. After getting the okay to drink from your doctor or dietitian, it is recommended that you drink with food. Alcohol on an empty stomach can cause blood sugar levels to drop in those with diabetes. Additional ingredients in mixed drinks may add carbohydrate that must be considered. You will also have to fit alcohol into your meal plan.

Alcohol has no nutritional benefit, but it does have calories which can add up quickly. Take this into consideration when planning your daily menus.
Some medicines, both prescription and over-the-counter, may interact with alcohol. and cause the medicines not to work properly. There are other medicines that may cause your blood alcohol level to rise. Check drug labels and ask your pharmacist or doctor to review your medications to make sure alcohol will not be harmful with your medication.

Drinking alcohol can generally be done safely in moderation, even if you have CKD, polycystic kidney disease, end stage renal disease (ESRD) or diabetes.

However, if you have high blood pressure, you should pay more attention to the things you drink. And you should check your body regularly and consult your doctor whether your renal dietitian is safe for you to drink alcohol. And if you want to know more information about the CKD and alcohol knowledge, you can send email to kidneyfight@hotmail.com, we will reply you as soon as possible.


Symptoms of Diabetic Nephropathy in Five Installments

According to experts, the introduction of changes in the clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy is very large, when the initial basic symptoms difficult to be found, depending on the extent of its clinical manifestations in patients with diabetic nephropathy in which the stage and renal dysfunction, in fact, diabetes is not the only simple both early and late stages, then what stage of the disease in the end it?

Ⅰ period: to glomerular filtration and renal characterized by mild increases. GFR showed elevated glomerular capillary plasma flow increases and increased pressure within the capillaries and other hemodynamic changes. GFR increased from 25% to 40%, up to 150ml / min, kidney volume increase of about 25%, but no significant change in histopathological nor any clinical symptoms. The general method for clinical diagnosis can not be found, as the initial diabetes.

Ⅱ: Closed no urine protein displacement increased. After the exercise challenge, there may be increased urinary protein displacement. The beginning of the glomerular structural damage, but the Department of reversibility. During this period may be higher GFR, can be more than 150ml / min, some patients blood pressure began to rise from the original foundation. During this period, such as early intervention therapy can glomerular structure and function return to normal.

Ⅲ: performance of persistent urinary albumin displacement (UAE) increased (20 ~ 200μg / min), is highly selective proteinuria, called early kidney disease, also commonly referred to that early DN. In the period roughly GFR gradually returned to normal levels, blood pressure can be slightly increased, but less than high blood pressure levels. Early DN in GFR have a certain relationship with glycemic control and increased state plasma flow, both glycemic control may decrease after. It was found that giving high-protein diet, GFR can be increased, but the limit protein diets, GFR can be reduced.

Period Ⅳ: namely clinical nephropathy. Before early diagnosis of urinary albumin and other applications, the clinical diagnosis of multiple DN For this period. This period is characterized by a progressive increase in clinical emergence non-selective proteinuria, GFR gradually decline. Histopathological changes in the progressive development of glomerulosclerosis.

Ⅴ period: uremia. Further development of diabetes clinical proteinuria, the renal function gradually diminishes, until you reach the end stage that uremia. At this point, often significantly increased renal glucose threshold and increased urine obvious clinical manifestations of kidney damage varied changes, involving multiple systems, severe lesions can be different for each system. Uremia and other end-stage kidney disease due to similar clinical manifestations of DN.

Doctor Network Tips: These are the five stages of diabetic nephropathy. Patients with persistent or recurrent significant proteinuria, clinical manifestations changed much. This period may be outside except some selective early proteinuria, mainly non-selective proteinuria. From diabetes to diabetes onset proteinuria, urinary protein increased by more than 5 to 20 times.

Renal Osteodystrophy — Bone Disease in Kidney Failure:Cause and Symptoms

Kidney has the function of removing the wastes out of body. With these function, kidney can keep the materials in body in balance, thus people can have a healthy life. But when people are attacked by kidney failure, they will suffer a lot of complications, one of them is bone disease which also can be called osteodystrophy.

Cause of bone disease in kidney failure

1. Calcium is the most plentiful mineral in the body that is essential for building new bone cells and keeping existing bones strong. If calcium levels in your blood become too low due to kidney failure, your parathyroid glands (four small glands in your neck) release a hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH). This hormone regulates calcium levels in your blood. If blood calcium levels are too low, the PTH hormone will begin removing calcium from your bones to get calcium blood levels back to normal. Over months and years, as calcium is stripped from the bones, this can make the bones weak, so their texture becomes more like a piece of chalk than of a sturdy bone.

2. when your kidneys don’t work, phosphorus builds up in your blood. A high blood phosphorus level causes your body to pull calcium from your bones in an attempt to balance all the body’s minerals. When calcium is being pulled from your bones, your bones begin to break down and lose the ability to provide structural support.

3. Healthy kidneys activate vitamin D. The activated form of vitamin D is called calcitriol. Calcitriol helps the body absorb calcium. Working together, calcitriol helps maintain normal parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels, and they carefully balance calcium in your system. When kidneys fail, they stop converting inactive vitamin D to calcitriol. The result is your body is unable to absorb calcium from food, so it“borrows” the calcium it needs from the greatest calcium storage depot — your bones.

Treatment for bone disease in kidney failure

Traditional Chinese Medicine has magic effect in treating kidney failure. The active substances in Chinese medicines can expend the blood vessel and dissolve blood stasis, improving the condition of kidney hypoxic-ischemic. At the same time, it also can block the ultra immune response and remove the toxins in blood out of body. With the normal blood in kidney, the kidney damage can be stopped. With the improve of kidney function, the osteodystrophy — bone disease in Kidney Failure will turn better. If you are interested in our therapy, you can send email to kidneyfigh@hotmail.com.


Cause of Renal Cysts need to Pay Attention to What the Daily Diet

Cause of Renal Cysts need to Pay Attention to What the Daily Diet
Renal cysts is how it goes? Renal cysts can occur in patients with gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria, its cyclical episodes of illness. At the time of onset, the patient will often aggravate back pain, strenuous exercise or if there trauma, infection, and this will induce renal cysts or worse.

Cause of renal cysts in the end are what it? 

One, by the adverse effects of congenital developmental. Experts said that the presence of renal cysts occur certain congenital. The factors that cause the disease, very easily lead to other diseases, and therefore requires a high degree of attention.

Second, the impact of poor diet is one of the causes of renal cysts. Poor eating habits will bring many diseases, should arouse widespread attention. If you are chronically malnourished or blood circulation disorders occurred, this time can easily lead to the disease.

Third, the damage of various infectious diseases. Life, if suffering from urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, if not treated in time, it will cause abnormal internal environment of the body, thereby increasing the risk of renal cysts.
Fourth, in the cause of renal cysts, the gene mutation is a common one of the reasons. This is generally the period during embryogenesis, gene mutation causing the disease occur.

How should health care routine renal cysts?

1, mostly congenital liver cyst, there are single, and can also be multiple, and sometimes liver, kidney cysts exist, the general said kidney cyst is not much impact on human health.

2, oversized liver and kidney cysts. On the organ itself or its organs can be formed around the compression symptoms or inflammation, available needle aspiration or surgical decompression therapy, use of antimicrobial drugs inflammation.

3, do not form oppression liver, kidney cysts can not be treated, and no effective treatment.

4, palm diagnosis of liver, kidney cyst is very reliable, usually having to do more checks.

5, can work and live, large liver, kidney cysts, should be taken to avoid local trauma.

6, liver, kidney cysts usually develops slowly, not cancer, the prognosis is good.

Dietary considerations renal cysts 

Kidney experts advise patients to try in the pathogenesis of early treatment. Renal cysts in people's lives is not strange that many patients had renal cysts do not pay attention to control himself in the diet, then the patient how dietary health? Experts said: renal cysts diet of protein, calories, water, salt controls the most critical.

First, the water intake: When simple renal cysts, due to kidney function decline was concentrated, metabolites need more water to discharge from the kidneys. Therefore, cysts, without significant edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly water restrictions.

Second, the protein controls: Modern medicine, protein intake is too low or too much, the kidneys are no benefits. Especially after the high intake of protein, can produce excessive metabolites, such as uremic toxins mentioned above urea, creatinine, guanidine, and some of the polyamine molecules are essentially nitrogen (protein) metabolism product. Control protein (renal failure when low-protein diet) to reduce the burden on the kidney in patients with renal cysts and reduce the generation of uremic toxins, relieve illness play an important role.

Third, the salt intake: control of salt, according to the disease and the degree of renal function in patients with renal cysts make adjustments, and make all the patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strictly limit salt.

Fourth, Paul levy adequate intake of calories: eating calories (energy). Direct impact on muscle protein synthesis, normal and uremic patients was like that. Therefore, the need to ensure adequate daily intake of calories, low protein diet is long-standing premise of guaranteed profits.


Why are Some Renal Cysts without Treatment?

As technology advances and the doctor detect healthy popularity, the detection rate of renal cysts growing. Almost everyone was told that people suffering from kidney cyst doctor will ask the same question: Yan is not serious? Or need treatment? Clinical manifestations of renal cysts of varying types, the prognosis is not the same. Correct treatment of renal cysts approach is: neither careless, do not panic.

Generally asymptomatic renal cyst

Renal cysts generally be divided into: simple renal cysts, polycystic kidney disease and acquired cystic kidney disease (dialysis patients is common) categories. Among them, the most common simple renal cysts. Renal cysts small size, generally no symptoms. As do routine physical examination, can not easily be found.

The rate of progression of renal cysts are mostly slow. Simple renal cysts are generally little change in the size or number of small cysts in some patients may be slightly increased, there are a small number of patients with cystic may be slightly reduced. Polycystic kidney cysts in patients with the number and size increased with age. Acquired cystic kidney disease in patients with longer duration of dialysis, the higher the incidence of cysts.
Treatment pay attention to "prioritize"

Although mostly benign renal cyst, but will still controversial cancerous. Furthermore, it should be alert to the possibility of neoplastic renal cysts. Therefore, in patients with renal cysts do regular follow-up is very important.

Many patients with renal cysts after learning of the presence of renal cysts, dread; there are many patients with renal cysts after I heard, "It does not matter," guard. These two approaches are not right. Treat renal cysts, should pay attention to "light", "heavy", "slow", "urgent."

"Light": fewer, smaller, simple no local pain and other symptoms of renal cysts, polycystic kidney disease early when no renal dysfunction, hypertension, infection, etc., is a "light" syndrome. Patients were followed up only once every six months or a year, check the urine, urine culture, renal function, do B-observation cyst size, shape and internal texture changes, does not require treatment.
"Heavy": If the wide range of lesions in patients with polycystic kidney disease, the disease progresses rapidly, significantly impaired renal function, or infection, hypertension and other serious complications, is a "heavy" disease. Should be receiving anti-infection, and even dialysis treatment.

"Slow": kidney cyst is a chronic disease, you should insist on regular follow-up. Patients I should objectively look at the disease. Especially in patients with polycystic kidney disease, be sure to feel comfortable, and actively cooperate with treatment.

"Urgent": When cysts increased significantly, increased bleeding, infection and other unexpected situations are "anxious" disease. Timely medical treatment, active treatment.

Although there is no method of treatment effects of renal cysts, but it does not mean renal cysts had only "fate." When the cyst increased compression symptoms, the time line puncture fluid therapy to prevent renal impairment; aggressive treatment of hypertension in patients with polycystic kidney disease and other complications, are the alternative treatment.

Simple renal cysts are not genetic 

Most people in the first time that they are suffering from renal cysts, is an adult, very concerned about whether the next generation will be inherited renal cysts. Simple renal cyst formation is acquired, not inherited. Polycystic kidney disease is relatively clear genetic disease. Adult polycystic kidney disease as an example, if one sick parents, children, prevalence of 50%; parents are sick, children, the prevalence rate of 75%.


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