PKD is a genetic kidney disease which means there are many small and big
cysts spreading in kidneys. with the secretion of cysts fluids and enlargement
of cysts, PKD patients would duffer more and more symptoms and kidney function
get decline. There are many factors that are related with the cysts growth.
Knowing these factors can benefit for slow down the prognosis of PKD.
1. The age when people get PKD
PKD is a genetic kidney disease, but the time or age when people get it is
different from case to case. When people get PKD in an early age, they may have
a bad prognosis to develop into kidney failure. However, when people get PKD in
middle age or older, they may have a better prognosis to live a long life.
2. Daily diet
The daily diet may also affect the prognosis in PKD. If patients eat healthy
diet, such as low-salt, low- protein, healthy foods, and keep balanced
nutrition, they may have a better prognosis. However, when PKD patients take
foods freewheelingly, and ignore the advices of their doctors, they may have bad
3. Living habits
For PKD patients, the daily lifestyle may affect their prognosis. People who
have a healthy lifestyle will have a good prognosis. The healthy lifestyle may
contain good rest, no smoking, far away with alcohol and proper exercises. For
PKD patients who have bad lifestyle, they may have bad prognosis. The unhealthy
lifestyle may contain overwork, smoking and drinking too much alcohol. All these
living habits will affect the prognosis of PKD patients.
The treatment that PKD patients are received will affect their prognosis.
People who have an effective treatment timely, they will have good prognosis, in
turn, patients who fail to have treatment, they may have bad prognosis.
If you have any other questions about factors that may affect the prognosis
of PKD, you can send an email to the experts through,
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