An enlarged kidney is symptomatic of polycystic kidney disease, a
predominantly hereditary disease in which a large number of cysts grow within
the kidney.An enlarged kidney is a condition in which a kidney is larger than
its normal size.These cysts cause blockages that result in a buildup of fluid,
and this buildup causes the kidneys to enlarge and become infected.
Generally, kidney enlargement is a symptom of an underlying disease or
disorder of the kidneys.Some common illnesses that may cause this to occur
include polycystic kidney syndrome, a kidney stone and unilateral
hydronephrosis.Most of the time, the enlarged kidney is treated by treating the
underlying cause of this condition.
Polycystic kidney syndrome is a condition in which multiple cysts grow within
the kidneys.The water-filled cysts are typically benign or noncancerous growths
that can vary in size.An enlarged kidney is generally a symptom of this
syndrome, as the cysts will cause the kidneys to expand.
Burning or pain during urination can be a sign of a urinary tract infection
that can cause enlarged kidneys.The pain may be localized near the pelvis, over
the bladder or near the lower part of the abdomen.Men with an infection often
feel pain at the end of the urethra, while women often experience pain near the
opening of the vagina.Pain felt in the side of the lower abdomen is often
associated with a rapidly swelling the kidney.The pain also may originate in the
lower back or radiate out from the abdomen when the kidney is enlarged.When the
outer covering of the kidney swells, it can cause severe pain and lead to nausea
and vomiting.
A kidney stone also can cause severe pain in the lower back.Polycystic kidney disease can be characterized by the kidney stones and/or kidney failure.A
diagnosis before these symptoms show up is possible, but kidney stones and
kidney failure are late-stage symptoms of the disease.
In most cases doctors choose to treat the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease rather than remove the cysts.Because kidney function can be regulated
with proper diet and medication, and because of the numerous cysts that normally
form over the years, removing the cysts is rarely an option.
Several treatment options including cancer drugs and stem cell therapy are
available to prevent serious complications.
Chemotherapy and anti-inflammatory agents can help to prevent harmful amyloid
deposits from collecting in various tissues and organs.Peripheral blood stem
cell transplantation is another treatment option to treat amyloidosis.Stem cell
transplantation involves high-dose chemotherapy and transfusion to replace
diseased and damaged cells.This procedure is usually reserved for aggressive
forms of the disease due to the serious risks the treatment poses.